无油炸梅菜扣肉 Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Mustard Greens

  • Prep Time
    30 Mins
  • Cook Time
    2 Hours
  • Type
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    Step 1

    五花肉洗净。刮去表面的细毛和污垢。Wash the pork belly thoroughly, removing any hairs and dirt from the surface.

    Step 2

    冷水下锅 煮20分钟起锅切薄片。Boil water in a pot and blanch the pork belly for 20 minutes. Then remove and slice thinly.

    Step 3

    梅菜洗干净,浸泡, 换水直至 不太咸。Rinse the preserved mustard greens, soak, and change the water until it's not too salty.

    Step 4

    切片后的五花肉放酱油和黑酱油上色调味,把剩余的黑酱油和酱油花雕酒倒在碗里 然后均匀在肉片上面摆上适量的冰糖。Marinate the sliced pork belly with soy sauce and dark soy sauce for color and flavor. Mix the remaining dark soy sauce, soy sauce, and huadiao wine in a bowl. Evenly sprinkle some rock sugar on top of the pork slices.

    Step 5

    最后梅菜摆在上面, 蒸1个半小时,晚上要吃之前再蒸40分钟。Arrange the preserved mustard greens on top of the pork slices. Steam for 1 and a half hours. Before serving in the evening, steam for another 40 minutes.

    Step 6

    取出后沥出汤汁后倒扣在碟子里。Remove excess liquid after steaming and invert onto a plate.

    Step 7

    玉米粉加入适量水分搅拌均匀,将汤汁放入锅中,玉米粉水以小量逐渐加入汤汁中打薄芡后即可,淋在梅菜猪肉上即完成。Mix corn flour with an appropriate amount of water until well combine. Pour the liquid into a pot, gradually add the corn flour mixture to the liquid to thicken it, and then pour it over the preserved vegetable pork, and it's ready to serve.
