榨菜烂排骨Stewed Pork Ribs with Preserved Mustard
- 2024-04-27
- Difficulty: Easy
- Prep Time15 mins
- Cook Time
- Type
- View247
小贴士: 1. 这道菜也可以用锡纸包裹着排骨上蒸笼或烤箱。 2. 烤制排骨酥烂即可。顾名思义的烂排骨,主要的芋香味和榨菜的酵母菌能使到排骨酥烂鲜香而不柴。
榨菜切片泡热水20分钟,去咸味备用。Soak the preserved mustard slices in hot water for 20 minutes for later use.
排骨飞水洗净沥干水,上干粉炸金黄色备用。Blanch the pork ribs into boiling water, drain the water then coated with flour, deep fried until golden brown for later use.
芋头切块, 炸金黄色备用。Cut the yam into pieces, fry until golden brown and set aside.
爆香姜葱蒜,把榨菜炒香,下排骨回锅炒香。Saute ginger, onion, garlic and preserved mustard until fragrant, and then return the pork ribs to the wok and stir-fry until fragrant.
下调味料加入上汤焖制20分钟收汁熄火。Add seasonings and stock simmer for 20 minutes to make the sauce thickened and absorbed, turn off the heat.
把炒好的排骨盛上蒸碗,摆上芋头以大火蒸30分钟,取出享用。Put the fried pork ribs and yam in a steaming bowl, steam for 30 minutes over high heat, done.
榨菜烂排骨Stewed Pork Ribs with Preserved Mustard
Follow The Directions
小贴士: 1. 这道菜也可以用锡纸包裹着排骨上蒸笼或烤箱。 2. 烤制排骨酥烂即可。顾名思义的烂排骨,主要的芋香味和榨菜的酵母菌能使到排骨酥烂鲜香而不柴。
榨菜切片泡热水20分钟,去咸味备用。Soak the preserved mustard slices in hot water for 20 minutes for later use.
排骨飞水洗净沥干水,上干粉炸金黄色备用。Blanch the pork ribs into boiling water, drain the water then coated with flour, deep fried until golden brown for later use.
芋头切块, 炸金黄色备用。Cut the yam into pieces, fry until golden brown and set aside.
爆香姜葱蒜,把榨菜炒香,下排骨回锅炒香。Saute ginger, onion, garlic and preserved mustard until fragrant, and then return the pork ribs to the wok and stir-fry until fragrant.
下调味料加入上汤焖制20分钟收汁熄火。Add seasonings and stock simmer for 20 minutes to make the sauce thickened and absorbed, turn off the heat.
把炒好的排骨盛上蒸碗,摆上芋头以大火蒸30分钟,取出享用。Put the fried pork ribs and yam in a steaming bowl, steam for 30 minutes over high heat, done.