热狗面包Sausage bread rools

  • Prep Time
    15 mins
  • Cook Time
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    Step 1

    将全脂牛奶和全蛋液先倒入钢盆里,才加入冷藏老面种、高筋面粉、细砂糖、海盐及即溶酵母即可开始搅打面团。Combine full cream milk, egg sauce into mixing bowl, add in levain, high protein flour, sugar, sea salt, and instant yeast, beat together until a soft dough is formed.

    Step 2

    待面团搅打到可以拉出较厚的薄膜时,加入无盐牛油,继续搅打成光滑的面团。Kneading dough until it allows gluten to form, add in unsalted butter, continue beat to become smooth dough.

    Step 3

    取一小块面团检测,可拉出大片不易破的薄膜,即完成。Take some dough to check the elastic bread dough.

    Step 4

    将面团滚圆放进盒子盖好,进行第一次发酵至2倍大,需要1个小时左右。Rolling the dough into ball shape, keep into container and cover to have a first rise in room temperature for 1 hour untill doubled in size.

    Step 5

    取出面团放在工作台上用手轻按压排气,分割成8份,滚圆休面10分钟之后,开始整形。Spread some flour on the table, dust the dough with flour, press it gently to release the air. Divide the dough into 8 equal pieces, roll up and rise for another 10 minutes.

    Step 6

    将面团擀开呈椭圆形,反面放上1根热狗然后卷起,捏紧收口切对半,然后整齐排列在模具里。Pin roll the dough, arrange one sausage on top and wrap the rolled dough, pinch and seal the edges, place them in the mould.

    Step 7

    进行最后发酵至2倍大,抹上全蛋液撒上干欧芹叶,以摄氏160℃上下火烘烤25分钟。Arrange the dough into toast mould, have the 2nd rinse till double in size, rub the surface with egg sauce and dried pasrley, bake into preheated oven @160℃with top or bottom heat for 25minutes.

    Step 8

    出炉后在桌子上轻敲一下模具散热,取出面包放在网架上,待凉即可享用。Cool baked bread, then turn bread out onto a cooling rack to finish cooling. Serve.
