蘑菇藜麦炒饭Mushroom Quinoa Fried Rice

  • Prep Time
    30 Mins
  • Cook Time
    20 Mins
  • Type
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    Step 1

    在带盖的小锅中倒入水和藜麦,大火煮沸5分钟,然后转小火煮10-15分钟,让藜麦煮至完全开花。In a sauce pot with lid, pour in the water and quinoa and let it boil on high heat for 5 minutes. Then turn to low heat to let the quinoa bloom completely for 10-15 minutes.

    Step 2

    取一锅注入油加热,放入肉碎炒1-2分钟,加入盐和萝卜丁翻炒至变软。In a wok, heat up some oil. Put in the minced meat to cook for 1-2 minutes. Then add in salt and carrot to cook till soften.

    Step 3

    接着加入香菇丁和杏鲍菇丁炒3分钟,再加入西兰花和香菇酱一起拌炒至熟透。Next, add in the both diced mushrooms to cook for 3 minutes. Then add in broccoli and shitake mushroom sauce to cook till all vegetables cook well.

    Step 4

    用叉子将小锅的藜麦弄松,倒入炒锅中一起翻炒至喜欢的熟度,即可盛碟享用。Fluff up the quinoa in the pot with a fork, and pour all into the wok to stir fry altogether. Once all the vegetables reach your desired doneness then it's ready to serve.
