松软肉桂卷Sticky Cinnamon Buns

  • Prep Time
    45 Mins
  • Cook Time
    15 Mins
  • Type
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    Step 1

    一部分牛奶、香草精、鸡蛋、一部分糖、融化的黄油还有一撮盐放入碗中,用厨师机搅打均匀。Add some milk, vanilla extract, egg, some sugar, melted butter, and a pinch of salt to the bowl of a stand mixer. Mix well until a dough forms.

    Step 2

    逐渐倒入面粉和酵母,搅至面团成形。将面团放入干净的碗中,盖上厨房纸或者保鲜膜,在温暖的地方发面2小时左右,或者直到发成两倍大。Gradually add in flour and yeast. Transfer dough to a clean bowl, cover with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap, and leave to rise in a warm place for approx. 2 hr., or until doubled in size.

    Step 3

    小碗中搅匀一部分软黄油、肉桂还有半个橙子的橙皮碎,直到顺滑。Combine some butter with some sugar, cinnamon, and zest of half an orange in a small bowl. Mix until smooth.

    Step 4

    烤箱预热至190°C。面团在撒上面粉的工作台上擀成约3毫米厚的三角形。 面团应该有弹性又湿润,但如果太黏,可以再加一点面粉,或者在擀面杖上多撒点面粉。黄油肉桂馅均匀涂在面皮上,留出适量边缘。Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F. Roll out the dough on a well-floured surface into a large rectangle, approx. 3 mm thick. The dough should be springy and moist but if it’s sticking too much, add some more flour as needed, or dust your rolling pin. Spread the filling evenly onto the dough leaving a small border all around.

    Step 5

    从长边开始卷起来面皮。将一长条牙线置于面下,然后执两端提起交叉绕住面卷,从而切开。你也可以用切面器或者锋利的刀来切。重复此过程直到做好。小面卷放进抹上油的深底烤盘,切面朝下,二次发酵1小时。喜欢的话可以刷上一点融化的黄油,放入烤箱烤约15-20分钟,或者直到焦黄。Starting at the long end, roll up the dough. Place a large piece of dental floss underneath the dough, then bring the ends of the threads up over the roll to cross each other and pull tightly to slice. You can also use a dough slicer or sharp knife. Repeat until finished. Place the rolls into a greased baking dish, cut side down, and let rise for approx. 1 hr. Brush with a little melted butter, if desired. Transfer to oven and bake for approx. 15 - 20 min., or until golden.

    Step 6

    烤面包的时候,长柄锅里放点糖,热一些牛奶,直到糖彻底溶解,然后离火放凉。面包取出后,立刻抹上大量牛奶糖霜。趁热尽情享用吧!While the buns bake, heat remaining milk with remaining sugar in a saucepan until dissolved. Leave to cool. Brush the buns generously with the glaze as soon as they come out of the oven. Eat warm and enjoy!
