椰奶海鲜番茄汤Coconut Milk Tomato Mixed Seafood Soup

  • Prep Time
    15 Mins
  • Cook Time
    25 Mins
  • Type
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    Step 1

    平底锅内热少许橄榄油,以中火爆香小葱约3-4分钟或至葱头微黄。倒入剁碎番茄、鸡汤和白酒,焖煮10分钟。In medium sauce pan, heat olive oil, then add chopped shallots, cook for 3-4 minutes on medium high heat, or until shallots are lightly browned. Next, pour in diced tomatoes, stock, and white wine, bring liquid to a simmer, and cook for about 10 minutes.

    Step 2

    加入椰浆、剁碎洋荽、鱼露、伍斯特醬,以盐及胡椒粉调味。煮至滚后加入海鲜,继续煮约4-5分钟。记得海鲜不可煮太久。Add in the coconut milk, chopped basil, fish sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and remaining spices, salt and pepper to taste. Bring liquid to a simmer, then add in seafood and cook for 4-5 minutes, making sure to not overcook seafood; the shrimp should be a pinkish color, the lobster and shallots should be firm, but not rubbery.

    Step 3

    吃时撒上新鲜的巴西里、罗勒及芝士。Garnish with fresh parsley, basil, and Parmesan cheese and serve hot.
