榴莲可丽 Durian Crepe

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发起鲜奶油350克、FAMA 冷冻猫山王榴莲肉500克(冷藏)
1. 把鸡蛋、食油、牛奶、盐及糖混合搅拌至糖溶解。加入粉料,搅拌均匀。(图1-2)
2. 慢慢加入清水,搅拌均匀后过滤。若面糊太浓可加水。(图3)
3. 热不粘锅,并涂少许油。舀入2-3汤匙的面糊,旋转使表面均匀。(图4)
4. 以中低火煎,一旦边沿翘起即可取出。
5. 把煎好的可丽皮放在布上。
6. 重复步骤至材料用尽。
1. 以电动搅拌器把冷藏过的鲜奶油搅拌至发起。
2. 把榴莲肉拌匀后装入挤袋里。
1. 放一片可丽皮在干净桌面,然后上1汤匙鲜奶油,挤入适量榴莲肉,再盖上一层鲜奶油。(图5-6)
2. 把可丽皮对折,边沿压紧。(图7-8)
3. 收入冰箱待冷了才享用。

【Crepe Ingredients】
1 “Grade A” egg, 1 Tbsp cooking oil, 130ml fresh milk, 1⁄4 tsp salt, 1 Tbsp castor sugar, 50 ml water, 40g plain flour (sifted), 40g tapioca flour(sifted), 20g corn flour(sifted), 20g custard powder(sifted), yellow food colouring [optional] 【Filling】
350 g non-dairy sweetened whipping cream(chilled), 500g FAMA Frozen Musang King durian pulp(keep chilled)
【To prepare crepe skin】
1. In a mixing bowl, combine egg, oil, milk, salt & sugar stirring until sugar dissolves.Sift in dry ingredients and combine with a wire whisk.(pic 1-2)
2. Add in water slowly. If mixture is too thick add more water, sieve batter start making the crepe skin.(pic 3)
3. Heat a non stick pan with some cooking oil.Ladle 2-3 tablespoons of batter onto the warm pan, swirling to make sure batter is evenly spread.(pic 4)
4. Cook over low to medium heat, and once the sides, starts to curl up, the crepe is ready to be removed.
5. Transfer onto the clean kitchen towel.
6. Repeat the greasing of pan, and cook each crepe until all the batter is used up.
【To prepare filling】
1. Using an electric beater fitted with a balloon whisk, whisk the chilled non-dairy cream until stiff, set aside.
2. Mix durian flesh and transfer into a piping bag.
【To assemble】
1. Lay a piece of crepe on a clean surface. Spoon a tablespoon of durian whipped cream in the centre, pipe durian flesh over and cover with some cream.(pic 5-6)
2. Fold up the crepe skin, tucking in both sides to make a parcel.(pic 7-8)
3. Chill each durian parcel and serve chilled.