水晶饺子Crystal Dumpling

  • Prep Time
    40 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
  • Type
    Non Halal
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Dumpling Skin Ingredients


Filling Ingredients







    Step 1

    馅料做法:热锅下油,爆香小葱头、蒜米、虾干米和香菇。Method-Filling: Heat wok with oil, saute garlic, shallots, dried shrimps and mushroom until fragrant.

    Step 2

    加入沙葛和红萝卜炒2分钟。Add in shredded yam bean and carrot and stir fry for 2 minutes.

    Step 3

    加入调味料和清水拌匀,焖煮3分钟直至熟。放置一旁冷却备用。Add in seasoning ingredients and water, stir well and let it simmer for another 3 minutes until cooked. Set aside to cool.

    Step 4

    饺子皮做法:取1大碗,放入Cap Bintang澄粉、Kapal ABC木薯粉和盐拌匀,慢慢倒入热水搅拌成团。盖好休面5分钟。Method-Dough: In a big bowl, mix 120g Cap Bintang wheat flour and 80g Kapal ABC tapioca starch. Cover the bowl with a lid and let it rest for 5 minutes.

    Step 5

    加入玉米油揉成光滑面团。Add in corn oil, mix well and knead into smooth dough.

    Step 6

    确保面团有盖好,以防被吹干。Always ensure that dough is covered to prevent from drying out.

    Step 7

    将面团分成每个25克小粒,用保鲜纸包好备用。Divide dough into small dumpling dough pieces (25g each) and cover with cling wrap.

    Step 8

    饺子做法:准备好蒸锅;蒸盘涂油备用。Method-Dumpling: Get ready steamer with boiling water; grease the steaming pan.

    Step 9

    取出面团擀平。Remove the dough from the cling wrap and flatten the dough.

    Step 10

    在饺子皮中间铺上2茶匙馅料,对折并封口,将饺子边缘捏好。重复此动作至材料完毕。Place 2 tsp of filling in the centre of the dough. Dab a little water with your finger and circle around the edge of the skin, then fold and pleat the dumpling accordingly. Repeat the same step for the rest.

    Step 11

    将饺子放在蒸盘上,放入蒸笼以大火蒸9分钟。Arrange the dumpling in the steamer, steam the dumplings for 9 mins with high heat.

    Step 12

    开盖,在饺子面上轻轻涂上一层大蒜油。Lightly coat the dumplings with garlic oil while it is still hot.

    Step 13

    最后再以蒜米、辣椒和葱作点缀,即可配搭辣椒酱享用。Garnish with fried garlic, chillies and spring onion and serve with chilli sauce.
