泰式晶蕊冰Thai Cendol Ice

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1.浆戳冰或冰沙盛在玻璃杯子中。 (图1)
2.在冰上放入晶蕊、凉粉、玉米浆及大红豆各2汤匙。 (图2-3)

Coconut milk, cendol, grass jelly, corn cream, canned kidney beans, gula melaka syrup, blended ice or ice cubes

1. Place ice cubes or blended ice in serving glass.(pic 1)
2. Place 2 tbsp each of cendol, grass jelly, corn cream and canned kidney beans on top of ice.(pic 2-3 )
3. Pour gula melaka syrup and coconut milk on top, serve im-mediately.(pic 4)