海南焖羊肉Hainanese Lamb Stew

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羊肉600克(花肉,切块)、白萝卜200克、红萝卜150克、黑木耳50克(浸泡)、香菇6朵(浸泡)、食油2汤匙、 麻油1汤匙、姜100克(切片)、蒜茸1汤匙、花雕酒1汤匙、清水或高汤1公升




2.起锅热 油和麻油,把蒜茸和姜片爆香,然后加入材料B炒至香。
3.加入羊肉和香菇,炒均后赞入花雕酒,然后倒入高汤或清水, 煮至滚后慢火焖一小时。
4.加入白萝卜 、红萝卜及黑木耳,加盖再焖半小时至肉软汁稠, 然后勾芡即可上桌。

【Ingredients A】
600g lamb (use lamb belly, cut into bite size), 200g radish, 150g carrot, 50g black fungus (soaked), 6 dried Chinese mushrooms (soaked), 2tbsp oil, 1 tbsp sesame oil, 100g ginger (sliced), 1 tbsp
chopped garlic, 1 tbsp Huatiau wine, 1 litre water/ fresh chicken stock

【Ingredients B】
1 star anise, 5cm cinnamon stick, 1 nutmeg seed (crushed), 3 stalks spring onion (use only white portion), 2 tbsp preserved soya bean paste(minced)

2 tbsp light soy sauce, 2pcs nam yee, 2pcs foo yee, 1 tsp pepper

1 tbsp corn flour mixed with 2tbsp water

1.Blanch lamb pieces in boiling hot water for 5 minutes then drain well and set aside. Marinate lamb with seasoning for several hours or preferably overnight.
2.Heat oil and sesame oil and saute chopped garlic and ginger until fragrant. Add ingredients B and continue to fry until fragrant again.
3.Add marinated lamb and mushrooms. Fry well to combine (add wine at this stage).Pour in water or fresh chicken stock. Bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about an hour.
4.Add radish, carrot and black fungus. Cover and simmer for another 30 minutes or until meat is tender and gravy is reduced. Thicken with corn flour mixture.