港式腊味饭 Hong Kong Style Waxed Meat Rice

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    Step 1

    糯米洗净浸隔夜,隔水蒸30分钟。印度香米洗净,加72毫升水蒸40分钟。香米和粘米洗净,加180毫升水蒸40分钟。 Wash and soak glutinous rice over-night; and then steam for 30 minutes.Wash basmathi, add in 72g of water and steam for 40 minutes; wash fragrant and normal rice, add in 180g of water and steam for 40 minutes.

    Step 2

    腊肠和润肠放入沸水中煮约2-3分钟捞起。腊鸭则 可在水中加少许糖和玫瑰露或其他酒煮约10分钟, 以去除油味。Blanch sausages in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, drain; boil waxed duck meat in sugar and rose wine added water for 10 minutes to remove its oily smell.

    Step 3

    把腊味加少许糖和油隔水蒸约20分钟,取出切片, 蒸出来的汁即是腊味汁。Steam all the waxed meat together with a dash of sugar for 20 minutes, and then cut into slices. Keep the gravy as sauce for late use.

    Step 4

    把所有米饭放入瓦煲铺底,淋上酱汁捞匀,排上所 有腊味、芋头粒和南瓜粒,盖上锡纸再蒸25分钟。Put all the rice in a clay pot, pour sauce over and mix well, arrange all waxed meat, yam and pumpkin on top; cover with aluminum and steam for 25 minutes.
