红乳蘑菇烩豆腐Braised Beancurd With Button Mushroom

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豆干3 块、蘑菇20 粒、南乳1 块、芥兰150 克(川烫备用)、清水½ 碗

生抽½ 汤匙、糖½ 茶匙、盐½ 茶匙、胡椒粉½茶匙、麻油适量

1. 将南乳压烂,加入水和调味料拌匀成酱汁。
2. 锅内热1汤匙油,将豆腐煎成金黄色。
3. 将油倒出,加入蘑菇、南乳酱汁及水炒匀。
4. 加入炸香豆干,加盖煮5分钟后,加粟粉水勾芡。
5. 将全部材料与芥兰移入瓦煲内,即可享用。

3 beancurd, 20 button mushroom, 1 fermented bean curd, 150g Kai lan (blanch with hot water), ½ bowl water

½ tbsp soy sauce, ½ tsp sugar, ½ tsp salt, ½ tsp pepper, some sesame oil

1. Mash fermented bean curd, combine with water and seasoning, set aside.
2. Heat oil in wok, shallow-fry beancurd till golden brown, dish out and set aside.
3. Remove oil, add in button mushroom, fermented bean curd sauce and water, stir well.
4. Add in beancurd, cover and simmer for 5minutes, thicken with corn starch.
5. Arrange all ingredients to claypot and Kai lan in claypot, ready to serve.