芝士海盐奶盖蛋糕 Seasalt Cheese Cream Cake

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Ingredients A :

Ingredients B :

Ingredients C : (mixed)


    Step 1

    将材料A打发至硬,备用 Whisk ingredients A into meringue.

    Step 2

    将材料B中的蛋黄和黄糖打发至浅色, 然后将作法的⅓蛋白,加入,切拌方式 混合。 Whisk egg yolk in ingredients B with brown sugar; and then mix in 1/3 of egg white and fold with silicone spatula.

    Step 3

    加入½份量的低筋面粉,切拌方式混合。将作法3和融化牛油倒入作法1内,以 切拌方式完全混合均匀,倒入6"模子内。烤箱预热160度,烤约45~50分钟至 熟,即可取出,倒扣在架子上,完全凉 透才脱模。 Mix in ½ of superfine flour and fold with silicone spatula. Mixes batter and melted butter into egg white and fold with silicone spatula until fully combined; pour into mould. Bake in pre-heat oven at 160°C for 45-50 minutes; place on top of rack to cool down completely before dislodge.

    Step 4

    将材料中的软化吉廉芝士,加入黄糖, 搅拌成糊状。Mixes cream cheese with brown sugar into batter

    Step 5

    加入厚吉廉、海盐和玫瑰糖浆,继续搅 拌至均匀。 Add in double cream, sea salt and rose sugar syrup, mixes well.

    Step 6

    将作法2的海盐芝士糊轻轻倒在海绵 蛋糕上,放入雪柜冷藏至少1个小时。享用前撒上开心果和玫瑰花瓣即可。 Pour sea salt cream cheese over chiffon cake and keep in fridge for at least 1 hourSprinkle dried rose petals and toasted pistachio on top before serving.

    Step 7
