药膳福州粗面线 Fuzhou Herbal Mee Sua

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素蚝油1 1⁄2汤匙、生抽2汤匙、当归粉1小匙、盐少许、麻油1小匙








1 pkt pre-mixed vegetarian Bak Kut Teh herbal, 200g

abalone mushroom, 200g fresh mushroom, 150g crab

mushroom, 15 pcs bean curd pockets, 1 pkt Fuzhou Mee Sua, 40g GouQi, 200g sawi (blanched), 6 bowls water



11⁄2 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp DanGui powder, dash of salt, 1 tsp sesame oil



1.Bring pre-mixed vegetarian Bak Kut Teh herbal to boil and then simmer in low heat until flavor fully emerged.(pic 1)

2.Scud Fuzhou Mee Sua in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, then rinse in cold water and drain.(pic 2)

3.Place all ingredients in soup and boil until cooked, season to taste, and then add in sawi and Mee Sua and serve in bowl. (pic 3-5)