蜜汁鸡Honey Graze Mock Chicken

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1. 苦瓜切薄片,排碟。(图1)
2. 将猴头菇放入热油中炸至香脆,捞起滴干油备用。(图2)
3. 用同一锅油将姜片炸至金黄酥脆,盛出沥干油。(图3)
4. 锅中留少许油,加入调味料煮至滚。
5. 加入炸好的猴头菇快速兜匀即可。(图4-5)

1 bitter gourd, 50g ginger slices, 200g monkey head mushroom (washed and tear into small pieces)

3 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce, ½ tsp vegetarian stock granule, ½ tsp salt, some water

1. Cut bitter gourd into thin slices, arrange in plate.(pic 1)
2. Deep fry monkey head mushroom in hot oil until crispy, drain. (pic 2)
3. Use the same oil to deep fry ginger until crispy, drain. (pic 3)
4. Keep some oil in wok, add in seasoning and bring to boil.
5. Toss in ginger and monkey head mushroom, stir to mix quickly, dish out. (pic 4-5)