酸辣马鲛鱼 Sambal Mackerel

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辣椒干10只(浸泡热水,去籽)、洋葱 1个
1. 马鲛鱼块洗净,抹干水份,均匀涂上盐和黄姜粉,备用。(图1)
2. 热油锅,将马鲛鱼炸至金黄色,捞起,沥干。
3. 将三峇材料放入搅拌机研磨成糊。
4. 热锅,倒入1汤匙油,将辣椒糊、桂皮一起炒至香,然后下调味料,拌至均匀;(图2)
5. 将炸马鲛鱼放入,拌匀至沾满酱料,即可上桌,趁热享用。(图3)

2 pcs Mackerel, 1 tsp salt, 2 tbsp turmeric powder, 2 sticks cinnamon
【Sambal Ingredients】
10 dried chilies (soak in hot water, seeded), 1 onion
4 tbsp black vinegar, 1 tsp black pepper, 1 tbsp sugar, 1⁄2 tsp salt
1. Wash Mackerel, pat dry and marinate with salt and turmeric powder. (pic1)
2. Heat oil in wok, deep fry the fish until golden brown, drain.
3. Blend the sambal ingredients into puree.
4. Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok again, sauté the chili puree with cinnamon until aromatic, toss in all
seasoning ingredients. (pic 2)
5. Add in fried Mackerel and coat with the sambal gravy evenly, dish out and serve hot. (pic 3)