香煎三文鱼配粉红意大利面Pan-Fried Salmon with Pink Spaghetti

  • Prep Time
    30 Mins
  • Cook Time
    20 Mins
  • Type
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    Step 1

    先烧热水放小许盐,放意大利粉煮8分钟捞起备用。Boil hot water and add a pinch of salt, cook the spaghetti for 8 minutes, drain and set aside.

    Step 2

    用厨房纸巾吸干三文鱼水份,洒少许盐和黑椒。中火预热平底锅后放油,放三文鱼煎皮向下,煎至金黄后翻去另一边继续煎,直到四面金黄色后取出。Drain the salmon with a kitchen towel paper, sprinkle a little salt and black pepper.Preheat a frying pan over medium heat, add oil, put the salmon skin down fry until golden brown, flip to the other side and continue frying until golden brown on all sides.

    Step 3

    烧热锅内油,放洋葱及红菜头炒至软,洒上白酒煮滚再加水,然后放意大利面煮匀。Heat the oil in the wok, fry onion and beetroot until soft, sprinkle with white wine and bring to a boil, add water and spaghetti to cook well.

    Step 4

    加入忌廉及调味,煮热后放牛油捞匀上碟,摆上三文鱼即可享用。Add the cream and seasoning bring to boil, add butter mix well, then serve on a plate, put salmon on top and enjoy.
