黑果排骨 Meaty Rib Masak Buah Keluak

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Spice ingredients(grind finely)




    Step 1

    将黑果(buah keluak)浸泡在水中3-5天,每天换水两次,以去除黑果中的毒素。将黑果擦洗干净,冲洗后稍微晾干。用锋利的厨房剪刀在黑果较宽的一端轻轻切开一个小口,取出内部果肉,放入碗中与猪肉末、糖和盐混合。将混合物填回黑果壳中备用。Soak the buah keluak in water for 3 - 5 days, changing the water twice daily. This is to remove the toxins from the buah keluak. Scrub them clean, rinse and allow to dry a while. Using a sharp kitchen scissors, make a small opening by cutting away the shell at the broader end marked with a lighter shaded area. Remove the inner pulp, place in a bowl and mix with the pork, sugar and salt. Stuff this filling back into the shells. Set aside.

    Step 2

    将排骨放入沸水中汆烫,捞出沥干,用厨房纸巾拍干。用姜黄粉和盐擦拭肋骨,腌制2-4小时。Blanch the pork ribs in boiling water, drain and pat dry with kitchen paper towels. Rub with turmeric powder and salt. Marinade for 2 - 4 hours.

    Step 3

    在炒锅中,中火加热油,加入研磨好的香料材料,炒至油分离。加入排骨,炒至微微变褐色。In a wok, heat oil over medium heat, add ground ingredients and fry till oil separates. Add pork ribs and fry till lightly browned.

    Step 4

    加入填好的黑果、疯柑叶和罗望子汁。盖上锅盖,用小火炖煮,直到排骨变嫩,汤汁变浓稠。Add buah keluak, kaffir lime leaves and tamarind extract. Simmer, covered over low heat till ribs are tender and gravy thickens.

    Step 5

    根据个人口味用盐和糖调味。热腾腾地配米饭一起享用。Season to taste with salt and sugar. Serve hot with rice.
