奥利奥芝士冰皮月饼 Oreo Snow Skin Mooncake

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Ingredients (Snow Skin A)


Ingredients (Snow Skin B)


Cheese Filling


    Step 1

    锅中放入100毫升水加入蝶豆花煮沸即可熄火,待凉备用。In a pot, bring 100ml of water to a boil and add the butterfly pea flowers. Remove from heat once boiled, and let it cool. Set aside.

    Step 2

    将冰皮材料A过筛,混合均匀,加入冰水搓成面团,分成两份,其中一份加入蝶豆花冰水做成蓝色冰皮,盖上保鲜膜防止面团干裂,置旁备用。Sift together the ingredients for Snow Skin A and mix until evenly combined. Add ice water and knead into a dough. Divide the dough into two portions. Add the butterfly pea flower water to one portion to create blue-colored dough. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent drying, and set aside.

    Step 3

    奶油芝士加入糖稍微打发,加入奥利奥饼干碎混合均匀,分成25克一个小圆球,冰箱冷藏至少1小时定型。Beat the cream cheese with the sugar until slightly fluffy. Add the crushed Oreo cookies and mix well. Divide the mixture into 25g portions and roll each into a small ball. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour to set.

    Step 4

    冰皮白色与蓝色合成25克一个,擀成圆形,包入冷藏好的奶油芝士馅料,捏紧收口,放入熟糯米粉里滚一圈,放入已经撒上糕粉的模具里按压取出,放冰箱冷藏30分钟就完成。Combine 25g of the white and blue doughs, and roll them out into a circle. Wrap the chilled cream cheese filling inside, pinching the edges to seal. Roll the filled dough in cooked glutinous rice flour, then press it into a mooncake mold dusted with flour. Remove from the mold and refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving.
