斑斓3Q月饼 Pandan 3Q Mooncake

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Water Dough


Oil Dough




Egg Wash/Decoration


Fresh Milk Mochi


    Step 1

    鲜奶麻薯做法:将全部材料(除了牛油)混合均匀,盖上保鲜膜,以大火蒸20分钟。蒸好后将牛油揉入至完全吸收及不粘手即可,盖上保鲜膜备用。Prepare Fresh Milk Mochi: Combine all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl and mix until smooth.Cover with plastic wrap and steam over high heat for 20 minutes. Once steamed, knead in the butter until fully absorbed and the dough is no longer sticky. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside.

    Step 2

    水皮做法:将所有水皮材料混合搅拌均匀揉成团,休面30分钟。Prepare Water Dough: Mix all water dough ingredients until well combined and knead into a smooth dough. Let it rest for 30 minutes.

    Step 3

    油皮做法:将所有油皮材料混合搅拌均匀揉成团,休面30分钟。Prepare Oil Dough: Mix all oil dough ingredients until well combined and knead into a smooth dough. Let it rest for 30 minutes.

    Step 4

    将一份水皮包入一份油皮,将包好的油酥皮(收口朝上)擀成椭圆形薄片,从上向下卷起成长条状,收口朝下,休面15分钟,备用。Take a portion of the water dough and wrap it around a portion of the oil dough. Shape into a ball with the seam side up. Let it rest for 15 minutes.

    Step 5

    重复(4),将油酥长条再擀开成长形,翻面后由上向下卷起。收口朝上,把面团中间按下,并将左右两边朝中间捏紧,备用。Roll the dough into an oval shape. Roll it up from top to bottom to form a long strip, with the seam side down. Set aside. Repeat the process with the remaining dough.Flatten the oil dough strip into a rectangular shape, then flip and roll it up from top to bottom. Seal the seam side up. Press the center of the dough slightly and pinch the sides towards the center. Set aside.

    Step 6

    取一份油酥饼皮,捏口朝上,擀开成中间厚,周围微薄之圆片。铺上鲜奶麻薯、豆沙、金瓜松、咸蛋黄碎包成圆形,捏紧收口。Take a portion of the oil dough and shape it into a disc with a thicker center and thinner edges. Place a layer of fresh milk mochi, red bean paste, pumpkin floss, and crushed salted egg yolk in the center. Fold the dough over the filling to form a round shape, sealing the edges tightly.

    Step 7

    月饼表面涂上蛋液,沾上混合的黑白芝麻,表面用牙签插几个洞避免烘烤时爆开。Brush the mooncake surface with the beaten egg. Sprinkle with a mixture of black and white sesame seeds. Prick a few holes on the surface with a toothpick to prevent cracking during baking.

    Step 8

    预热烤箱,180°C 烤30分钟,香喷喷的月饼完成啦!Preheat the oven to 180°C. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown.
