南瓜培根烘蛋 Pumpkin Bacon Frittata

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    Step 1

    南瓜切块,培根切段,西兰花切块,洋葱切丝,红萝卜切块备用。Cut the pumpkin into pieces, slice the bacon, cut the broccoli into florets, slice the onion, and cut the carrot into pieces. Set aside.

    Step 2

    所有的蔬菜汆烫一下,鸡蛋打散备用。Blanch all the vegetables and beat the eggs in a separate bowl. Set aside.

    Step 3

    下点油炒香洋葱和蒜, 然后加入汆烫好的蔬菜, 加点盐和黑胡椒拌炒至入味。Heat a little oil in a pan, sauté the onion and garlic until fragrant. Add the blanched vegetables, season with salt and black pepper, and stir-fry until well mixed and flavorful.

    Step 4

    蔬菜铺平,加入打好的鸡蛋液,小火慢烘至蛋表面凝固。Spread the vegetables evenly in the pan, pour in the beaten eggs, and cook over low heat until the egg surface solidifies.

    Step 5

    出锅后撒上黑胡椒粉,完成。Once cooked, sprinkle with black pepper. Serve and enjoy.
