八宝鸡肉粽 8 Treasures Chicken Dumpling

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1. 以3大匙油爆香蒜茸,加入糯米及调味料炒香,备用。(图1-2)
2. 莲子、白果、粟子分别加水煮软,洗净备用。
3. 冬菇用腌料腌2-3小时后,蒸过备用。(图3)
4. 鸡腿肉以腌料B拌匀腌2小时,备用。(图4)
5. 将2张竹叶背对背对叠,折成漏斗状,舀入适量糯米,依序放入馅料,再舀入糯米覆盖馅料。(图5-7)
6. 将竹叶完全包折覆盖后,再顺着斗锥状将多余的竹叶覆盖包紧成四角粽,用水草绑紧。
7. 锅中煮滚水加入适量的盐,放入粽子(水须淹盖粽子2寸高),以大火煮沸后转小火继煮3小时。

1kg glutinous rice (soak 6 hours and drain), 1 tbsp chopped garlic
100g lotus seeds (soaked), 15 Chinese mushroom (soaked), 1 can champignons mushroom (quatered), 15 pcs gingko
(remove gems), 15 clams, 15 chestnut (soaked), 4 water chestnut(peel and cut quaters), 350g boneless chciekn wholeleg
(cut into pieces)
1 tbsp concentrated chicken stock, 1⁄2 tsp pepper, 2 tsp salt, 11⁄2 tsp 5 spiced powder
A:1⁄2 tsp pepper, 1⁄2 tsp salt, 2 tsp corn flour, 1⁄2 tsp sugar, 2 tbsp water, 2 tbsp oil
B:1 tsp oyster sauce, 2 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, dash of sugar
Some bamboo leaves and hemp strings
1.Heat 3 tbsp oil in wok, saute garlic until fragrant, toss in glutinous rice and seasoning, set aside.(pic 1-2)
2.Boil lotus seeds, gingko and chestnut in water until soften.
3.Marinate Chinese mushroom with marinades A for 2-3 hours.(pic 3)
4.Marinate chicken with marinades B for 2 hours.(pic 4)
5.Fold 2 pieces of bamboo leaf into cone shape, spoon in some glutinous rice, follow with filling and cover with rice again.(pic 5-7)
6.Fold back the bamboo leaf and form into 4 angles cone; tighten with hemp string.
7.Boil a pot of water with adequate salt, put in dumplings and make sure the water level are 2 inches above; bring to quick boil and then turn to low heat and boil for 3 hours, done.