巧克力花卷面包 Flower Shape Chocolate Bread

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1. 可可粉加热水搅拌好备用。
2. 将材料A倒入嘉威E-Touch有机面包机内,选择功能7搅拌45分钟成面团。(图1)
3. 取出1⁄3份面团,加入可可浆搓均匀。(图2-5)
4. 另将2⁄3面团压平,包入可可面团,杆平成圆形。(图6-7)
5. 用刀子切成15块(中心保留不断),如图所示用手将面团扭卷成花卷,放到温暖处再次醒发约15分钟。(图8-9)
6. 将花卷放在烤盘上,置入已预热的嘉威太空双宝的架子上,以120℃烘20-30分钟即可。(图10)

A:350g high protein flour, 220ml fresh milk, 5 tbsp sugar, 1⁄2 tsp salt, 1 tsp yeast, 1 tbsp butter
B:2 tsp coco powder, 2 tsp hot water
1. Mix coco powder with hot water, set aside.
2. Place all the ingredients A into CW E-Touch Breadmaker, close the lid and select button 7, press start, knead
and proof for 45 minutes. (pic 1)
3. Remove the dough from the machine, take 1⁄3 of dough, mix with coco mixture and roll out.(pci 2-5)
4. Flatten another 2⁄3 of dough, wrap in the coco dough, pin roll the dough into round shape.(pic 6-7)
5. Cut the dough into 15 cuts with knife, twist it as step picture, leave aside for 15minutes before bake it. (pic 8-9)
6. Place the bread on baking tray and bake with preheated CW SPACE OVEN WOK at 120℃ for 20-30 minutes.(pic 10)