奶油蔬菜丸 Creamed Vegetable Balls

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盐1⁄2 茶匙、胡椒粉少许、粟粉1汤匙、鸡精粉1茶匙
1. 马铃薯去皮切片蒸软后搓成泥备用。(图1)
2. 包菜花、西兰花及红萝卜切成细末。(图2)
3. 把所有材料加入蛋液一起混合打匀。(图3)
4. 用手捏成圆球状后,以中火蒸10分钟至熟。(图4-5)
5. 把奶油料以温火煮滚后浇在蔬菜丸上便可。(图6)

250g potato, 50g cauliflower, 50g broccoli, 30g carrot, 1 beaten egg
1⁄2 tsp salt, dash of pepper, 1 tbsp corn flour, 1 tsp chicken powder
50g evaporated milk, 1 tbsp butter, dash of salt
1. Skinned potato and cut into slices; steam until soften and mash it whist hot. (pic 1)
2. Finely chop cauliflower, broccoli and carrot.(pic 2)
3. Mixes all ingredients with egg sauce.(Pic 3)
4. Knead into balls and steam with medium heat for 10 minutes until cooked. (pic 4-5)
5. Boil cream ingredients over low heat, pour over vegetable balls to serve. (pic 6)