黑木耳焖猪肉 Braised Pork Belly with Black Fungus

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面粉1⁄2 碗、木薯粉2汤匙、适量清水、鸡蛋1粒
1. 柴鱼先入锅以适量水煮一会儿成柴鱼高汤,过滤备用。
2. 五花肉洗净,沥干切块(约1至2寸大小);木耳浸水至软。
3. 将腌料A的红葱头、蒜头和姜分别削皮切开,一起放入石舂捣烂,取汁液,备用。(图1)
4. 切好的猪肉加入腌料A和腌料B拌匀,腌制过夜。(图2)
5. 将腌好的猪肉拌入面糊材料捞匀。(图3)
6. 烧热1⁄2 镬食油,放入猪肉以中火炸1分钟后翻面,炸至开始变熟带红色,捞起。(图4-5)
7. 另外再烧热锅子,倒入煮好的柴鱼高汤,放入炸肉和木耳焖煮。(图6)
8. 以少许盐和糖调味,煮至酱汁浓稠、肉软即可。(图7)

2 kg pork belly , 200g black fungus, 1 piece dried bonito(+adequate water)
A:10 shallots, 10 pips garlics, 1 piece ginger
B:2 tbsp Hua Diao wine, 5 to 6 nos red fermented bean curds, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp fish sauce, 1 tbsp
light soy sauce, 2 tsp five spice powder, a pinch pepper, a pinch of salt
1⁄2 bowl plain flour, 2 tbsp tapioca flour, some water, 1 egg
1. Cook dried bonito with adequate water, filter the stock and set aside.
2. Rinse pork belly, drain and cut into pieces (approx 1 to 2 inches). Soak black fungus until soft.
3. Peel shallots, garlic and ginger from Marinade A. Pound them in a mortar with a pestle. Take the spice juice and set aside.(pic 1)
4. Combine marinade A with marinade B, mix them with pork belly. Marinate and set aside overnight. (pic 2)
5. Combine marinated pork belly with batter ingredients. (pic 3)
6. Heat up a wok with cooking oil, deep fry pork belly over medium heat. Overturn them after 1 minute. Continute
deep frying until the pork belly turn red. Remove and drain. (pic 4-5)
7. Heat up another pot. Pour in prepared bonito stock. Add fried pork belly and black fungus to braise. (pic 6)
8. Season with salt and sugar if needed. Cook until the gravy thickens and meat is tender. Serve. (pic 7)