鲜菇酸辣羹 Sour & Spicy Soup

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100g abalone mushroom, 30g frsh black fungus, 3 pcs fresh mushroom, 30g pickled mustard, ½ tbsp shredded ginger, 4 pcs water chestnuts, 1 stalk coriander, 1 block soft tofu, 500ml water


3 tbsp Chinese black vinegar, ½ tsp salt, ¼ tsp MSG, ¼ tsp dark soy sauce, 1 tsp chilli oil, dash of pepper, 1 tbsp corn flour (+1 tbsp water)


1.将材料洗净切丝。Wash all ingredients and shredded.

2.起锅炒香姜丝,加入清水,煮滚后加入材料煮至熟。Sauté ginger in wok with oil until fragrant, pour in water, once boiled, add in all other ingredients and continue boiling until cooked.

3.调味后加入粟粉水勾芡即可盛起,加入红辣油(辣椒油)和芫茜。Add seasoning and thicken with starch, dazzle in chili oil and sprinkle coriander on top before serving.