黄焖素脆鳝(素)Vegetarian Crispy Eel wf Sauce

  • Prep Time
    40 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
  • Type
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春天最适合吃黄焖鳝鱼了! 经过热油爆香后的新鲜鳝鱼,焦香味扑鼻而来,丝毫不带田野的土腥气,享用过这道菜的朋友,想必会对这鱼鲜味念念不忘 ,我也是。好几次寻思着复刻这道乡野美食,但始终是没提起勇气料理滑溜溜的真鳝鱼,不如,来个黄焖假鳝鱼,我也是喜欢的。用香菇炸成的脆鳝,不止外型像,口感也是滑溜滑溜的,只是,此黄焖非彼黄焖。黄焖酱以黄豆酱、蚝油和甜面酱为主要调料,这次只裹酱不焖汤汁,选用了素食也适用的海鲜酱,将素脆鳝放入嘴里慢慢咀嚼,细细回味,酱香 浓郁、咸甜适中。 因为喜欢,我们值得拥有不一样的美味。






Seasoning (mix well)


    Step 1

    香菇洗净,放入滚水中煮约10分钟,捞起放入凉水中,接着取出挤干水分,备用。Wash the shiitake mushrooms, blanch them in boiling water for about 10 minutes, then transfer to cold water. Squeeze out excess water and set aside.

    Step 2

    用剪刀将作法1的香菇剪去蒂,然后再沿着边剪成长条状,再次挤干水分,备用。Remove the stems from the blanched shiitake mushrooms, then cut them into strips along the edges. Squeeze out excess water again and set aside.

    Step 3

    在作法2内加入薯粉和五香粉,抓匀,放置一旁,备用。Add potato starch and Chinese five-spice powder to the prepared mushrooms, mix well, and set aside.

    Step 4

    起锅烧油,油温上升至7成热时,逐一放入油锅内,慢炸至表面金黄酥脆,即可捞出。Heat oil in a pan. When the oil temperature reaches about 70% hot, carefully add the mushrooms one by one. Fry slowly until they turn golden brown and crispy on the outside, then remove them from the oil.

    Step 5

    另起一锅,下1汤匙油,将姜蒜煸出香味,然后加入所有调味料,煮至浓稠后,下作法4的炸香菇、红椒丁和葱花,拌匀即可上桌 ,趁热享用。In another pan, heat 1 tbsp of oil, sauté minced ginger and garlic until fragrant. Then add all the seasoning ingredients and cook until thickened. Add the fried mushrooms, diced red bell pepper, and chopped spring onions, mix well, and serve hot.
