五香芋头咸肉粽 Five Spice Taro Dumplings

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    Step 1

    将浸泡好的糯米加入调味料翻炒均匀备用。Stir fry the soaked glutinous rice with the seasonings until evenly coated. Set aside.

    Step 2

    芋头削皮切片,入油锅炸至金黄,盛起备用。Peel and slice the taro, then deep fry until golden brown. Set aside.

    Step 3

    素午餐肉两面煎香,盛起备用。Pan-fry the vegetarian luncheon meat until golden brown.Set aside.

    Step 4

    将浸泡好的绿豆片放入沸水中煮2分钟,捞起沥干水分备用。Boil the soaked mung bean sprouts in boiling water for 2 minutes, then drain and set aside.

    Step 5

    将浸泡好的粽叶清洗干净备用。Wash the soaked zongzi leaves thoroughly and set aside.

    Step 6

    取一片粽叶,将粽叶两侧往中间折,呈现开口信封般。Take one bamboo leaf, fold both sides towards the center, forming an open envelope shape.

    Step 7

    将适量的糯米放入粽叶里,并加入芋头、咸蛋黄、午餐肉以及绿豆,再加入一汤匙糯米覆盖内馅。Place a suitable amount of glutinous rice into the zongzi leaf, then add taro, salted egg yolks, luncheon meat, and mung bean, and cover with another tablespoon of glutinous rice.

    Step 8

    再用另一张粽叶向上折,将糯米全给包裹住,再用绳子捆绑结实即可。Fold another bamboo leaf on top and wrap the filling completely, then tie securely with hemps string.

    Step 9

    煮滚一锅水,放入粽子,水需要盖过面,煮2小时30分钟或至熟即可。Boil water in a deep pot,enough to cover all dumplings and boil for 2 hours 30 minutes or until cooked through.
