冰淇淋红豆汤圆Ice-cream Red Bean Dumpling

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1. 粉团做法:把糯米粉、粘米粉放入大碗中,徐徐倒入水,用水搓揉至不粘手,软硬适中的面团。分成小等份,搓揉成圆小球,放入滚水中煮至浮起,捞出浸入冷水中片刻,备用。(图1-3)
2. 组合:把½罐红腰豆、温水及幼糖放入果汁机中,并加入冰块拌打成泥,待用。(图4)
3. 取一玻璃杯盛入红豆泥适量,放入适量汤圆,再放入适量红腰豆泥,注入淡奶。(图5-7)
4. 面上置放一粒冰淇淋及红腰豆点缀,立刻享用。(图8)

150g glutinous rice flour, 30g rice flour, 180ml water

【Sugar Syrup】
100ml evaporated milk, 1 canned kidney red beans, 50g warm water, 2 tbsp caster sugar, 1 small bowl of ice cubes

Some vanilla ice-cream and kidney red beans

1. To made dough: Mix glutinous rice flour and rice flour in mixing bowl, pour in water slowly and knead until non sticky to hand; apportion into small dough and shape balls. Boil until afloat and soak in cold water briefly. (pic 1-3)
2. To assemble: Put half canned of kidney red beans, warm water, caster sugar and ice cubes into blender and blend into puree. (pic 4)
3. Fill glass with kidney red beans puree, put in some dumplings and top with some more kidney red beans puree and evaporated milk. (pic 5-7)
4. Top with one scoop of ice-cream, garnish with kidney red beans, serve immediately. (pic 8)