大头菜花生狮子头 Braised Lion Head with Preserved Rutabaga

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1. 大头菜洗净切小片,泡烧水一个钟以降低咸味;
2. 取锅子将大头菜和花生以1公升的清水煮开 ;转小火煮上30分钟。
3. 把肉投入汤里再煮10分钟即可调味熄火备用。
1. 大头菜洗净切小片,泡烧水1小时降低咸味后剁碎备用。(图1)
2. 把蚝干洗净后用刀切细备用。(图3)
3. 将所有肉丸子的材料混合,加调味料用手拌打至起胶,捏成球状。(图4-6)
4. 起油锅;将肉丸子沾上干生粉后;大火把丸子炸至金黄色捞起沥干油备用。(图7)
5. 取锅子把煮好的汤底烧开,再把肉丸子放入汤里焖煮10分钟便可享用。(图8)

100g preserved rutabaga (Da Tou Chai), 50g peanut, 100g pork belly
1⁄2 tbsp each of sesame oil and fish sauce, 1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine
1. Wash preserved rutabaga, slice and soak in hot water for 1 hour to reduce saltiness.
2. Place preserved rutabaga & peanut into clay pot with 1 liter water, bring to boil, turn to low heat and simmer for
30 minutes.
3. Add in pork belly and cook for another 10 minutes, done.
【Ingredients for Lion Head】
100g preserved rutabaga (Da Tou Chai), 500g pork belly, 5 dried oyster, 1⁄2 carrot, some chopped Chinese celery
1 tsp salt, 1⁄2 tsp each of sugar, fish sauce oyster sauce and Chinese cooking wine
1. Wash preserved rutabaga, slice and soak in hot water for 1 hour, chop it coarsely.(pic 1)
2. Wash dried oyster and chop finely.(pic 3)
3. Mixes all chopped ingredients with seasonings until spingy, make into ball shape.(pic 4-6)
4. Heat oil in wok, coat the meat balls with corn flour and then deep fry until golden brown, drain.(pic 7)
5. Bring soup to boil again, add in meat balls and boil for 10 minutes, done.(pic 8)