椰奶西米汤圆Coconut Milk Sago Glutinous Rice Balls

  • Prep Time
    40 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
  • Type
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Dough Ingredients


Dough Coloring


    Step 1

    粉团部分:将粉团材料混合均匀,分成3小团,分别加入色素搓匀备用。How to make dough: Mix the dough ingredients thoroughly, then divide the dough into 3 equal portions. Add food coloring to each portion and knead until the colors are evenly distributed.

    Step 2

    将粉团搓成小汤圆,放入热水中煮至熟,捞起,过冷水备用。Shape the dough into small glutinous rice balls and cook them in boiling water until they float to the surface and are cooked through. Remove them from the water and rinse them in cold water. Set aside.

    Step 3

    西米泡水1小时,煮至西米呈半透明至熟,捞起,放入冰水中降温。Soak the sago in water for 1 hour and cook until they become translucent and are fully cooked. Remove from the water and cool in cold water.

    Step 4

    另外准备一个锅,加入600毫升水煮滚,加入冰糖、椰奶和西米搅拌,最后加入汤圆及蓝莓即可。In a separate pot, bring 600ml of water to a boil. Add rock sugar, coconut milk and the cooked sago. Stir well and add the glutinous rice balls and blueberries. Serve and enjoy your Coconut Milk Sago Glutinous Rice Balls!
