焦糖黄梨鲜菇汉堡 Caramelized Pineapple with Mushroom and Eggs

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鸡蛋4粒、 清水1公升、白醋3汤匙
1. 水煮蛋做法:煮水至開始滾,约80℃,隨即放下白醋,用匙羹搞拌開水,成一小漩渦状,以旋转方式把蛋白结集一起。
2. 每次只下1粒蛋,把蛋敲入1个小杯里,然后輕輕把鸡蛋从滚水漩涡的中央倒入,熄火加盖,等4分钟至蛋白煮熟。用漏勺把蛋从水中轻轻捞上来。(图1)
1. 在不黏锅热牛油,把黄梨煎至微黄,然后撒入适量白糖,煮至转焦即可。(图2)
2. 另外热锅热牛油,把鲜香菇和黑胡椒粉一起炒至熟即可。(图3)

【Ingredients】for 4 portions
4 Burger bun,1 Josephine pineapple(peeled and cut into 1cm rings), 8 pcs fresh shitake mushroom(sliced), some salad leaf, onion slices
【Poached Egg Ingredients】
4 eggs, 1 liter water, 3 Tbsp vinegar
some butter and sugar, dash of black pepper, BBQ sauce
1. To prepare poached egg: Boil water in a saucepan to almost boiling at 80℃. Add vinegar. With a spoon, quickly stir the water in one direction until it’s all smoothly spinning around to create a whirlpool effect. The swirling water will help egg whites hold together.
2. Working with the eggs one by one, cracks an egg into a small cup, then gently drop the egg into the center of water. Turn off the heat. Cover. Let sit for 4 minutes, until the egg whites are cooked.Lift eggs out of pan with a slotted spoon. (pic 1)
3. Heat butter in a non-stick pan, pan fry the pineapple slices until browned, sprinkling sugar over till pineapple caramelizes, remove.(pic 2)
4. Heat butter in a pan, add in the sliced mushrooms and some black pepper. Saute until mushroom is cooked, remove and set aside.(pic 3)
【To Assemble】
Slit burger buns horizontally and butter it. Lay salad leaf, onion rings then the caramelized pineapple, sautéed mushroom and poached egg.Drizzle BBQ sauce over and serve immediately. (pic 4-8)