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全麦面包8 片、瘦肉碎100 克、大葱1 粒(剁碎)、姜丝1 汤匙、食油4 汤匙、麻油4 汤匙、鸡蛋5 粒、生粉1 茶匙
盐 1⁄2 茶匙、胡椒粉 1⁄2 茶匙、白糖 1⁄8 茶匙
红辣椒2 条(去籽切丝)、李派林黑醋4 汤匙、番茄酱1 汤匙、芥末酱1 汤匙、白糖1 汤匙
1. 起锅热1 汤匙麻油,把姜丝爆香,然后加入大葱炒至软身,盛出待用。
2. 把2 粒鸡蛋和生粉一起打散,然后加入猪肉碎中,和调味料一起搅拌均匀。
3. 加入炒过的姜丝和大葱,搅拌均匀。(图1)
4. 把材料分成4 份,用面包夹成三文治。(图2)
5. 把三文治放在架子上,蒸8 分钟后取出待凉。
6. 把剩余3 粒鸡蛋打散,然后用以沾三文治。(图3)
7. 用不粘锅烧热麻油和食油,然后放入三文治炸至金黄色,滴干油后沾酱吃。(图4)


8 slices wholemeal sandwich loaf, 100g minced lean meat, 1 onion(diced finely),
1 tbsp shredded ginger, 4 tbsp cooking oil, 4 tbsp sesame oil, 5 eggs, 1 tsp corn flour
1⁄2 tsp salt, 1⁄2 tsp pepper, 1⁄8 tsp sugar
Dipping sauce – (combined)
2 red chillies(seeded and sliced thinly), 4 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 1 tbsp tomato ketchup, 1 tbsp prepared mustard, 1 tbsp sugar
1.Heat 1 tablespoon sesame oil in a wok, fry shredded ginger until fragrant. Add onion and sauté until onion turns soft. Dish out and put aside.
2.Beat 2 of the eggs with the corn flour and stir this into the minced pork. Add seasonings .
3.Add pre-fried ginger and onion mixture to the pork and egg mixture.(pic 1)
4.Divide mixture into 4 equal portions and use this to make four sandwiches with the bread slices.(pic 2)
5.Arrange the sandwiches on a steaming rack and steam for 8-10 minutes. Remove and
allow to cool.
6. Beat together the remaining 3 eggs in a shallow basin. Dip the sandwiches into the eggs sauce.(pic 3)
7. Heat oil and sesame oil in a wok. Fry the sandwiches until they are golden brown. Drain and serve roti babi with the dipping sauce at once.(pic 4)