白酒烩鸡 Chicken Fricassee

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西洋莞荽2束(剁碎)、 百里香2束、A蛋黄2个(室温)、鲜奶油125毫升
1. 用少许盐和胡椒粉腌鸡肉。
2. 起锅热牛油,放入一半的鸡肉,皮向下煎至两面焦黄,全程约10分钟,只需翻转一次。煎好了盛入碟子里。(图1)
3. 另外热橄榄油,把大葱和月桂叶炒至微黄,加入红萝卜和西芹,炒均后加入鲜菇和面粉。(图2-3)
4. 加入白酒和鸡汤,然后放入煎过的鸡肉,焖煮至肉熟。(图4-5)
5. 另外把蛋黄和鲜奶油搅拌均匀,一边搅拌一边加入半杯的高汤,每次约1汤匙,搅拌至发起后倒入锅里。(图6-7)
6. 最后加入柠檬汁,西洋莞荽茸及百里香,再加入调味料。(图8)
7. 熄火保温,配面包吃。

3⁄4 kg bird chicken (cut into bite pieces), 3 Tbsps melted butter, 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, 1 big onion (cubed),
1 bay leaf, 1 carrot(cubed), 1 celery stalk(sliced), 150g fresh mushrooms(trimmed and quartered), 2 Tbsps
plain flour,180ml dry white wine,1000 ml chicken broth, 2 sprigs fresh flat-leaf parsley(chopped), 2 sprigs fresh
thyme, 2 large “Grade A’ egg yolks(room temperature), 125ml fresh cream
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice, salt to taste
1. Marinate chicken pieces with salt and pepper, set aside.
2. Heat butter, add half the chicken, skin side down, in a single layer; do not crowd pot. (If butter begins
to blacken, lower heat.) Fry chicken, turning once, until golden brown on both sides, about 10 minutes
total, and transfer to a plate. Repeat with remaining chicken.(pic 1)
3. Heat olive oil and butter in a pan, sauté onions and bay leaf until onions are light browned. Add carrot
and celery, scraping up any browned bits. Toss in mushrooms and flour. (pic 2-3)
4. Pour in wine and chicken broth. Add the browned chicken pieces, simmer until chicken is tender.(pic 4-5)
5. Meanwhile whisk together egg yolks and fresh cream in a medium bowl. Whisking constantly, pour 1⁄2 cup
soup, 1 tbsp at a time, into egg mixture to temper it. (pic 6-7)
6. Add in lemon juice, parsley, thyme and adjust seasonings to taste.(pic 8)
7. Turn off heat and keep warm and serve with baguette or bread.