红枣香菇焖鸡 Braised chicken with Mushroom & Red dates

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1. 将鸡腿剁块;香菇浸软去蒂;红枣浸泡;蒜头拍扁。(图1)
2. 起镬烧热2汤匙油爆香姜、蒜头,下香菇炒香。(图2-3)
3. 加入鸡块、红枣拌匀并加入水及调味料,以火中焖至汁稍干便可。(图4-6)

2 chicken whole legs, 4 pcs Chinese mushroom, 10 red dates, 4 slices ginger, 5 pips garlic, 1⁄2 cup water
2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp palm sugar, 1 tsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine
1. Chop chicken whole legs into pieces; soak mushroom and remove stems, soak red dates and smash
garlic.(pic 1)
2. Heat 2 tbsp oil in wok, sauté ginger, garlic and mushroom until fragrant.(pic 2-3)
3. Add in chicken meat, red dates, water and seasoning; simmer in medium heat until gravy reduced,
done.(pic 4-6)