芋头焖三层肉 Braised Pork Belly with Yam

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1. 五花肉先用淡盐水汆烫去肉沫,沥干后切块,以腌料腌约2个小时入味。
2. 炒锅烧热少许油,先把芋头煎香,取出待用。(图1)
3. 锅子烧热适量油,爆香蒜和姜片。加入腌好的猪肉,大火拌炒均匀。(图2)
4. 倒入适量清水至几乎盖过猪肉,小火焖煮约1个小时至肉熟软。(图3)
5. 加入煎香的芋头,再焖至芋头熟透即可熄火。(图4)

1⁄2 kg pork belly, 1 whole garlic (smashed), a few slices ginger, 1⁄2 yam( peel and cut large size)
3 tbsp dark soy sauce, 2 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, a pinch of salt and pepper, 2 tsp five-spice powder
1. Scald pork belly in boiling water with a pinch of salt. Remove and drain. Cut into pieces and combine with Marinade Ingredients. Marinate for approximately 2 hours.
2. Heat up some oil in a wok, pan fry yam slices until fragrant. Drain and set aside. (pic 1)
3. Heat up sufficient cooking oil again to saute garlic and ginger slices until fragrant. Add marinated pork belly and stir-fry over high heat. (pic 2)
4. Pour in enough water to cover most of the pork. Bring to a boil and braise over low heat for approximately 1 hour until the pork is cooked and tender. (pic 3)
5. Add fried yam, cook till yam soften. (pic 4)