芝士波波Cheese Balls

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糯米粉 120克
地瓜粉 30克
黄糖 1汤匙
海盐 1/4茶匙
Parmesan Cheese 30克
Mozzarella Cheese 50克
鸡蛋 1颗
牛奶 70毫升
融化牛油 50克

1. 将糯米粉、地瓜粉、黄糖和海盐混合均匀;牛奶加入融化牛油拌匀(图1&2);
3. 将面团分成20-24小份,然后用手掌滚成圆形(图5);
4. 烤箱预热180度,烤约15分钟即可取出,待凉后享用(大图)。

120g Glutinous rice flour
30g sweet potato flour
1 tbsp brown sugar
¼ tsp sea salt
30g Parmesan Cheese
50g Mozzarella Cheese
1 egg
70ml milk
50g melted butter

1.Mixes glutinous rice flour, sweet potato flour, brown sugar and sea salt; and then blend in milk and butter.
2.Add in all cheese and egg, knead into dough.
3.Separate dough into 20-24 portions; and then shape into balls.
4.Pre-heat oven at 180°C, bake for 15 minutes, remove from oven and serve after cooling down.