金丝银柳 Crispy Potato Strips with Prawns

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五香粉1⁄2 茶匙、盐2茶匙、胡椒粉少许
面粉小1⁄2 碗、鸡蛋3粒
1. 小虾洗净去壳及头尾;马铃薯洗净削皮,切长条丝,放入沸水中川烫好备用。(图1)
2. 小虾和马铃薯分别用1⁄4茶匙五香粉、1⁄2茶匙盐、少许胡椒粉抓一下。鸡蛋加剩余的1茶匙盐打匀。(
3. 将马铃薯和虾沾上面粉捞匀。(图3-5)
4. 镬内热油,取一撮小虾和马铃薯混合物沾入蛋液时中,拿起放在锅铲上,连铲一起下油锅,大火炸至
5. 重复制作其余马铃薯丝炸虾饼,沥干油后即可配辣椒酱吃。

20 small prawns, 1 potato (big)
1⁄2 tsp five-spice powder, 2 tsp salt, a pinch of pepper
1⁄2 small-bowl plain flour, 3 eggs
1. Clean the prawns, remove heads, tails and shells. Rinse potato, peel and cut into long strips.(pic 1)
2. Combine prawns and potato strips with 1⁄4 tsp fivespice powder, 1⁄2 tsp salt and a pinch of pepper rep-
ectively. Beat the eggs with remaining 1 tsp salt. (pic 2)
3. Coat the potato and prawns with flour. (pic 3-4)
4. Dip the potato mixture in egg sauce batch by batch, place on a spatula, deep fry in the hot oil together
with spatula with high heat until golden brown. Remove and drain.(pic 5-6)
5. Repeat for the rest. Drain and serve with chilli sauce.