韩式牛肉拌饭 Korean Beef Bowl

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A: 米1杯、清水1½杯
B: 瘦牛肉碎250克、蒜2瓣(剁碎)、姜茸¼茶匙、食油1汤匙
1. 将太阳花养生米洗净,放入瓦煲,加入1½杯清水煮成饭。(图1)
2. 在一个平底锅热食油,爆香蒜后加入牛肉,以中火翻炒至牛肉散开及转色。(图2)
3. 倒入酱汁料,继续煮约2分钟,(图3-5)

4. 在瓦煲米饭铺上炒好的牛肉,撒上青葱粒和白芝麻。(图6)

A: 1 cup  rice, 1 ½ cups water
B: 250g lean ground beef, 2 garlic cloves (minced), ¼ tsp ground ginger, 1 tbsp
cooking oil
┃SEASONINGS┃mix well
30g brown sugar, 2 tbsps light soy sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, ¼ tsp crushed red pepper
flakes, ¼ tsp pepper
Chopped spring onions and toasted sesame seeds.
1. Wash rice, place in claypot and cook it with 1 ½ cup water. (pic 1)
2. Heat some oil in a pan, sauté the garlic till fragrant, adding the ground beef and
breaking it into crumbles over medium heat until no longer pink. (pic 2)
3. Add seasonings and let simmer for another 2 minutes. (pic 3-5)
4. Serve over hot rice and garnish with chopped spring onions and sesame seeds.
(pic 6)