火腿芝士烤鸡胸 Bake Chicken Breast with Cheese Ham

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A: 大鸡胸肉½副(去皮)、Holand Gouda芝士 2片、鸡肉火腿3片、鲜橙 3片
B: 新鲜沙拉50克
1. 鸡胸肉用小刀将中间划开但不切断。(图1)
2. 将芝士和鸡肉叠在一起,然后对折,再塞入鸡胸肉中间。(图2-3)
3. 用材料涂抹鸡胸肉,然后收入冰箱10分钟。(图4)
4. 用平底锅热2汤匙油,把鸡胸肉煎至金黄。 (图5)
5. 在烤盘上摆入鲜橙片垫底,然后放上鸡胸肉,再放入预热至摄氏200度烤炉烤12-15分钟或至鸡肉熟透为
6. 配新鲜沙拉一起享用。

A: ½ set of skinless chicken breast, 3 slices Holland Gouda cheese, 3 slices chicken ham, 3 slices orange
B: 50g salad
Dash of salt, black pepper and chilli powder, 3 tbsp oil
1. Slit chicken breast on the centre but do not separate them.(pic 1)
2. Stake cheese and ham, fold up and stuff into centre of chicken breast. (pic 2-3)
3. Marinate stuffed chicken breast with ingredients C and keep in fridge for 10 minutes.(pic 4)
4. Heat 2 tbsp oil in pan and sear the chicken breast until golden brown. (pic 5)
5. Place orange slices on baking tray, top with chicken breast and grill in pre-heated oven at 200°C for 12-15 minutes, done. (pic 6)
6. Serve with salad.