黑胡椒鸡拌饭 Black Pepper Chicken Over Rice

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生粉1⁄2 茶匙、蚝油1汤匙,黑酱油、白糖及盐各1⁄2 茶匙、黑胡椒粉1茶匙、麻油1茶匙、花雕酒1汤匙、
1. 以腌料腌鸡肉,放置15分钟。(图1)
2. 起锅热油,把姜和大葱爆香。(图2)
3. 加入鸡肉和其腌汁,大火快速拌炒,避免过熟。(图3-5)
4. 加入青葱,然后勾芡熄火。(图6)
5. 将黑胡椒鸡片盛出,淋在白饭上吃。

250g chicken fillet(sliced thinly), 2 Tbsps cooking oil,1 big onion (cut into wedges), 10g ginger(sliced), 1 sprig spring onions (cut into 3cm lengths)
1⁄2 tsp cornflour, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1⁄2 tsp dark soy sauce 1⁄2 tsp sugar, 1⁄2 tsp salt, 1 heaped tsp coarsely ground (black pepper or to taste), 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp Chinese wine,
1 tsp cornflour + 2 Tbsps water
1. Mix chicken with marinade ingredients, set aside for 15 minutes.(pic 1)
2. Heat a wok with oil, saute ginger and onions until fragrant. (pic 2)
3. Put in chicken with all its marinade and stir-fry over a fairly high heat. Toss quickly do not overcook, adjusting seasonings to taste.(pic 3-5)
4. Toss in spring onions and thickening solution, stirring briskly and turn off heat.(pic 6)
5. Dish out on to rice and serve immediately.