发财素卷 Prosperity Vegetarian Wrapped

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现买皮塔饼皮1包、TATURA牛油1汤匙、柳松菇1包、鲜金针菇1包、发菜10克(浸发)、胡椒粉适量、素火腿6-10片、紫色包菜和包菜各1片(切丝)、Bon appetite芝士片
1. 把紫色及白色包菜各切丝备用。(图1)
2. 把TATURA牛油放入锅里加热,把菇类炒软后加入浸泡过的发菜和胡椒粉即可熄火。(图2-3)
3. 把皮塔饼铺平,先放入包菜丝,然后放入菇料,素火腿,2片Bon appetite芝士片及酱料。把饼皮紧紧卷起成雪茄状。(图5-7)
4. 热不黏锅,放入菜卷以小火煎至微黄,里头的芝士溶解即可,趁温吃。(图8)

Store bought pita wrappers, 1 heaped tbsps TATURA Butter, 1 packet enoki mushroom, 1 packet shimeiji
mushroom, 10g fatt choy (soaked), pepper to taste, 6-10 pcs vegetarian ham, 1 piece purple cabbage(sliced), 1 piece white cabbage sliced, Bon appetite cheese slices
Chilly sauce, BBQ sauce
1. Shredded all the cabbage and set aside.(pic1)
2. Heat TATURA Butter in a wok or pan, sauté the mushrooms until limp. Add the soaked ‘fatt choy’,
pepper to taste & turn off heat. Set aside.(pic 2-4)
3. Lay a piece of pita wrapper on a plate or clean surface, in the middle sprinkle some cabbage, top with
the sauté fatt choy mushroom, a slice of vegetarian ham, 2 pieces BON Appetite slice cheese, chilly sauce
& bbq sauce. Roll the wrapper up tightly like a cigar.(pic 5-7)
4. Heat a non-stick pan over low heat, be careful the wrappers tend to brown pretty quickly. Pan fry over low heat until the wraps are light brown and the cheese are melted inside. Remove and serve warm.(pic 8)