辣味妈蜜排骨 Spicy Baked Marmite Honey Ribs

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姜茸2汤匙、生粉1茶匙、苹果醋2-3汤匙、蜜糖5汤匙、妈蜜酱2汤匙、辣椒粉2茶匙、黄糖50克、盐1茶匙、黑酱油1⁄2 茶匙、花雕酒1汤匙
1. 用腌料腌排骨,收在冰箱里至少3小时,腌时自己调整盐和蜜糖的分量。(图1-6)
2. 把排骨和腌汁移到烤盘里,盖上铝箔,然后放入预热到190℃的烤炉里烤1.5小时或至排骨肉软身。(图7)
3. 从烤炉取出排骨。连汁倒入锅里,炒至汁稠,沾满排骨。(图8)
4. 盛出排骨,撒入辣椒粉即可。

1.2 kg pork ribs(cut into 3cm lengths)
2 tbsps ground ginger, 1 heaped tsp cornflour, 2-3 tbsps apple cider vinegar, 5 tbsps honey or more to taste, 2 heaped Tbsp marmite, 2 tsps chill flakes, 50 g dark brown sugar, 1 tsp salt or to taste, 1⁄2 tsp dark soya sauce, 1 tbsp. chinese wine
1. Marinate the ribs with all the ingredients, adjusting salt & honey to taste for minimum 3 hours in the refrigerator.(pic1-6)
2. Pour the ribs and the marinade into an oven proof tray, cover with foil and bake in pre-heated oven @ 190℃ for 1.5 hours or until meat is tender.(pic 7)
3. Remove from oven, pour the ribs and the sauce onto a wok, and simmer until sauce coats the ribs.(pic 8)
4. Remove from wok, sprinkle with extra chilly flakes and serve immediately.