焗烤芦笋马铃薯饼Potato Gratin with Asparagus

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美国马铃薯2粒 、牛油5-6汤匙、蒜头2瓣(剁碎)、鲜菇1包、嫩芦笋15克(去老皮切4公分段)、Cheddar芝士茸100克、熏辣椒粉2茶匙、盐和胡椒粉适量
1. 把马铃薯煮至熟,待凉时刨成茸。(图1)
2. 热1汤匙牛油,把蒜茸爆香,然后加入鲜菇炒至软身,盛出。(图2)
3. 另外起锅热牛油,把芦笋炒熟,以盐调味,盛出。(图3)
4. 在不黏锅热牛油,然后铺满马铃薯茸,以中小火煮至微黄后翻转。(图4)
5. 把芝士茸撒在马铃薯上面,然后铺上鲜菇和芦笋;再撒入额外芝士茸。(图5)
6. 撒上胡椒粉,熏辣椒粉及盐。(图6-7)
7. 检查马铃薯底层,若已转黄,而芝士已溶解,即可盛出享用。

2 large russet potatoes, 5-6 Tbsps butter, 2 cloves garlic(chopped), 1 packet fresh shimeiji mushrooms, 150g babyasparagus (peel hard skin, cut into 4cm lengths), 100g cheddar cheese(grated ), 2 tsps smoked paprika powder,
salt & pepper to taste
1. Boil the russet potatoes and once tender, remove. Set aside until cool before using a large holed grater, grate the
potatoes, set aside.(pic 1)
2. Heat 1 Tbsp butter, sauté the garlic until fragrant before adding the mushrooms. Once mushrooms are limp, remove and set aside.(pic 2)
3. Heat butter again, sauté the cleaned asparagus, adding salt to taste; set aside.(pic 3)
4. Using a non-stick pan of 22cm, grease with the extra butter and lay the grated potato over covering the whole pan.
Cook over low to medium heat, until potatoes are light browned, turning over the potato gratin.(pic 4)
5. Scatter the grated cheddar over the potato gratin, top with mushrooms, asparagus and more cheddar.(pic 5)
6. Sprinkle some pepper, paprika and salt.(pic 6-7)
7. Check slowly the back of the gratin, if it browns and cheese is melted, remove and serve immediately.