蜜糖芥末酱水波蛋Honey Mustard Sauce on Poached Egg

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3.预热平底锅,用橄榄油爆香蒜米,加入菠菜叶和调味料炒熟取出备用。 (图3)

A: some parsley, 1/2 tbsp honey, 1/2 tbsp mustard, 5 tbsp mayonnaise
B: 100g spinach, 1tsp chopped garlic, 1 tsp olive oil, salt and black pepper to taste
C: 2 eggs, 2 tbsp rice vinegar, 2 slices french baguette

1.Mixes ingredients A, set aside.(pic 1)
2.Boil a small pot of water, add in vinegar, break egg into a bowl, and then stir the boiling water until you see the whirlpool in the water, slowly tip the egg into the water, and let the egg white wrap around the yolk for about 2 minutes, take out and soak in iced water.(pic 2)
3.Heat pan, sauté garlic with olive oil until fragrant, toss in spinach and season to taste.(pic 3)
4.Spread butter on baguette and toast until golden brown.
5.Stack spinach on baguette and top with poached egg, pour over honey mustard sauce and serve.(pic 4-6)