蔓越莓酸柑豆蓉冰皮月饼 Cranberry dauyong snow skin with lime zest

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冰皮 :
馅料 :
冰皮做法 :
1. 将糕粉及糖粉过筛入盆内,加入白油混合成糠状。(图1-2)
2. 慢慢加入冰水搅拌成不黏手软面团。加入酸柑茸和红色素,搅拌成云石状。(图3)
蔓越莓豆蓉馅料 :
组合 :
1. 将冰皮分成70-75克一份,包入一份蔓越莓馅料。(图6-7)
2. 在月饼模型中撒粉,压入冰皮月饼,压实后轻敲扣出。(图8-9)
3. 收入冰箱,冷吃。

Crystal skin :
120g cooked glutinous rice flour “koh fun”, sifted, 70g icing sugar, sifted, 60g shortening, 100ml cold
ice water, Grated lime zest from 5 limes or more , Red food colouring
Filling :
400g Yu-Ai’s Cranberry dauyong lotus paste
Grated lime zest from 6 limes
To make crystal skin :
1. Sift “koh fun”& icing sugar into a mixing bowl. Mix in shortening until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. (Pic 1-2)
2. Add in cold water gradually to form a soft & pliable dough. Knead in grated lime zest & Mix in red food
colouring to get a marble effect. (Pic 3)
To make cranberry lime dauyong filling :
1. Mix cranberry dauyong with grated lime zest. Shape into small balls of 75-80g each. (Pic 4-5)
To assemble :
1. Scale crystal skin into 70-75g portions. Wrap skin over the cranberry dauyong filling. (Pic 6-7)
2. Dust mooncake mould with a little ‘koh’ flour. Press dough into mould & knock the mould against chopping board to dislodge the mooncake. (Pic 8-9)
3. Keep refrigerated & serve chilled.