醉鸡 Drunken Chicken

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1. 将鸡腿去骨后用盐、胡椒粉腌制20分钟入味。(图1)
2. 枸杞和当归用清水洗净后,加500ml左右的清水,大火煮滚后小火熬半小时,最后的药汁过滤。(图2)
3. 将腌制鸡腿卷成筒形,用锡纸包成糖果状,放入热水煮20分钟左右至熟。(图3)
4. 鸡腿凉了以后,将锡纸拿掉,将药汁和酒,连鸡腿一起装在容器内,腌制一天,切片装盘。(图4)

2 chicken whole leg, 5g DangGui, 10g GouQi, 200ml Chinese cooking wine, dash of salt and pepper
1. Whole leg chicken deboned, and then marinate with salt and pepper for 20 minutes. (pic 1)
2. Wash DangGui and GouQi, and then boil with 500ml of water in high neat, once boiled, simmer in low heat
for 30 minutes and filter the soup for later use. (pic 2)
3. Roll marinated drumstick into cone shape and wrap with aluminum foil; and then boil in boiling water for
20 minutes or until cooked. (pic 3)
4. Let the chicken drumstick cool down, remove foil; place it with herbal soup and wine in a container,
keep overnight. Slice to serve. (pic 4)