麻婆豆腐拌饭Spicy Ma Po Tofu Over Rice

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白豆腐1块、蒜菜1棵(切细)、食油3汤匙、辣椒干5条(切1公分长段)、四川辣豆瓣酱1 1/2汤匙、黑豆豉1汤匙(洗净)、花椒粉1茶匙、猪肉碎150克



1. 把豆腐切2公分丁块,然后浸泡在加少许盐的热水中。
2. 起锅热油,把辣椒干炒20秒钟后盛出,小心以防烧焦。(图1)
3. 用同一锅油炒辣豆瓣酱及黑豆豉约30秒钟至出红油。(图2)
4. 加入猪肉碎和调味料。(图3-4)
5. 炒均后加入豆腐和辣椒干,焖煮约5分钟至出味。(图5-6)
6. 加入蒜菜,轻轻搅拌,一熟就勾芡。
7. 盛出麻婆豆腐,淋在白饭上即可。

1 block of soft bean curd, 1 stalks leeks (sliced), 3 Tbsps cooking oil, 5 stalks dried chilly (cut into 1cm lengths), 1 1/2 Tbsp Szechuan chilli bean paste, 1 Tbsp black fermented beans (washed ), 1 tsps ground Chinese peppercorns, 150g minced pork

150ml chicken stock + 1 tsp chicken stock granules, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsps chinese wine, salt to taste

1 tbsp tapioca flour, + 2 tbsps water

1. Cut the beancurd into 2 cm cubes, and leave to steep in very hot or gently simmering lightly salted water, drain & set aside.
2. Heat oil, saute the dried chillies & fry for 20 seconds or until dark red. Remove fried chillies & set aside.(pic 1)
3. Using the same oil, sauté the chilli bean paste and black fermented beans for about 30 seconds, until they are both fragrant and the chillies have added their colour to the oil.(pic 2)
4. Add the minced pork and pour in the seasoning ingredi-ents.(pic 3-4)
5. Stir well and add the drained beancurd and fried dried chil-lies. Simmer for about 5 minutes, until the bean curd has absorbed the flavours of the sauce.(pic5-6)
6. Stir in the leek. When they are just cooked, add the thick-ening solution.
7. Pour over hot steaming rice and serve immediately.