美禄奶油面包 Milo & Butterscotch Roll

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高筋面粉200克、无盐牛油15克、奶粉5克 、糖40克、盐4克、鸡蛋(中型)一粒、水80毫升、干酵母4克
1. 选择食谱8制作面包团。
2. 将所有材料(干酵母除外)放入自动制面包机内锅中,再将内锅置入机身内并盖上。(图1-2)
3. 在酵母容器内放入干酵母,然后按Start(开始)键进行面团搅拌。(图3)
4. 听到哔哔声后,开盖取出面团,把叶片拆下。
5. 把面团平均分成四份,搓圆。(图4)
6. 再把面团擀成长椭圆形状。
7. 撒上适量的美禄粉和焦糖奶油碎片。(图5-6)
8. 把面团卷起放回内锅,再放入机身内,盖上,再次按Start(开始)键。(图7-8)
9. 当烘烤完毕发出哔哔声后,按下Stop(取消)键,取出面包内锅,冷却2分钟即可扣出面包。

200g high protein flour, 15g unsalted butter, 5g milk powder, 40g sugar, 4g salt, 1 B egg, 80ml water, 4g instant yeast
【Sub Ingredients】
Some Milo powder, some butterscotch
1. Select MENU 8 for the dough.
2. Put ingredients (except for instant yeast) into Automated Bread Maker inner pan and then insert to bread maker, close the lid. (pic 1-2)
3. Add instant yeast into the yeast dispenser and press Start button.(pic 3)
4. Open the lid when you hear beep sound, remove dough from inner pan and remove the kneading blade.
5. Separate dough into 4 equal portions, shape round.(pic 4)
6. Pin roll the dough into long oval shape.
7. Sprinkle some milo powder and butterscotch on the surface.(pic 5-6)
8. Roll up, return filling dough into inner pan and insert to bread maker again.(pic 7-8)
9. Close the lid, press Start button again until you hear beep sound, press Stop button and take out the inner pan, cooled down for 2 minutes
before dislodge the bread.