印度玛莎拉咖哩雞 Marsala Chicken

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大葱1粒(剁碎) 、蒜头4瓣(剁碎) 、柠檬汁1汤匙、姜2.5公分、清水少许


辣椒粉3茶匙、印度混合香辛料3茶匙、牛油40克、番茄膏2汤匙、黄糖2汤匙、姜5公分(切丝) 、椰浆100毫升、清水250毫升




  1. 用电动研磨器把研磨材料研磨至细,如果研磨难以转动,可加1-2汤匙清水。研磨后和辣椒粉及印度混合香辛料混合。
  2. 把炒锅放在BECKA DADDY电磁炉上,启动电源,热油炒鸡肉至微黄后盛出。
  3. 锅里加入牛油,用它炒研磨香料5-10分钟至出油,然后加入鸡肉、清水、番茄膏、糖、姜及盐,炒均后慢火焖30分钟至肉软才加入,,继续煮至滚。
  4. 才盛出咖哩前,可随意加入额外的印度混合香辛料和1汤匙牛油。撒上莞荽叶,配白饭或各式印度煎饼吃。



大茴香籽1 1/2茶匙、小茴香籽1 1/2茶匙、柚籽3/4茶匙(只取里头的籽) 、黑胡椒粒1/4茶匙、桂皮1小枝、豆蔻粉1/4茶匙

做法:用中火把所有香料(除了豆蔻) 炒至香,然后以电动研磨器研磨至细,最后才加入豆蔻粉。


Ingredients A:

900 g chicken [1/2 bird], cut into bite size portions

Spice paste [finely ground]

1 big onion, chopped finely

4 garlic cloves, chopped finely

1 T lemon juice

2.5 cm piece of ginger, grated

some water to make the blades move


Ingredients B:

3 tsps chili powder

3 t garam marsala

40 g butter

2 Tbsps tomato paste

1 T brown sugar

5 cm piece ginger, julienned

100 ml coconut milk

250 ml – 350ml water


1/4 cup coriander (cilantro) for garnishing


  1. Using an electric blender, finely blend the spicepaste ingredients, adding 1 to 2 tablespoon of water to allow the blades to move. Pour out & add in chilly powder & garam marsala powder.
  2. Place a frying pan on BECKA DADDY induction cooker, turn power ON. Heat cooking oil and fry the chicken until browned on all sides. Remove and set aside.
  3. Add the butter to the pan. Add the spice paste and fry 5 to 10 minutes until oil starts to separate from the paste. Add the fried chicken pieces, water, tomato paste, sugar, ginger and salt and let sauce simmer 30 minutes or until chicken is tender. When chicken is almost tender, add coconut milk & bring to a boil.
  4. Before taking the curry off the BECKA induction cooker, add extra 1 tsp garam marsala and an extra spoon of butter if like. Top with the coriander leaves and serve with white rice or Indian bread like naan, chapati or puri.


Garam Marsala

1 1/2 t cumin seeds

1 1/2 fennel seeds

3/4 t cardamon seeds (from inside the pods)

1/4 t black peppercorns

1 small stick of cinnamon

4 cloves

1/4 t nutmeg


Heat a heavy pan and fry the spices at medium heat (except the nutmeg) for a few seconds until aromatic. Tip into a spice grinder and grind into a fine powder. Add the nutmeg.